Celal Yollu


The story of Celal Yollu, the founder of ATA started in Incesu county of Kayseri. It is still a spoken fact that the skills of Celal Master on metal and wood working who was grown up since his childhood with craftsmanship and mastership understanding had come into prominence. Predisposition to labor intensive works and the mastership on wood working of Celal Master whose father is a carpenter artisan is a skill run in the family...

Celal Master who worked on various manual labours from repairing gramophones to crafting needles, decides to work in urban center in the following years. Yollu who became famous with his craftsmanship, manages to manufacture a semi-automatic gun by himself in mid 60's. All these are signs from 50 years back for ata through which Master Celal shall transfer his self-reliant and pioneeering personality.

Celal Yollu’s innovative viewpoint played a big role in the present structure of shotgun sector in Turkey and even in the World. The copy machine made by him improving sabot machine, his bringing an engraving crafter from Kayseri to Duzce and integrating them into gun making, deep holes enabling the right material to drill the barrel, clear the way for the sector in a manner. Celal Yollu is not just considered as a craftsman who is doing his job, but also as a well-rounded person who always keeps the bar high.

It is a statistical fact that shotgun manufacturing which has a share in the development of Duzce increased and there were more than 50 companies operating in the sector in early 90’s, thanks to Celal Master’s instructional personality for many crafters to become skilled.